How to activate our free SSL certificate in cPanel?

How to activate our free SSL certificate in cPanel?

What is SSL?

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is a standard security protocol for establishing encrypted links between a web server and a browser in online communication.

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is a security protocol that creates an encrypted link between a web server and a web browser. It ensures that all transferred data remains confidential.The green sign means the site is protected by SSL. It will protect you from data breaches, and it gives visitors a good reason to trust you with sensitive information. It improves your rankings in search results.

How do you activate SSL certificate by cPanel?

Step 1: Log in to cPanel

Step 2: Locate and click on SSL/TLS Status in the Security section:

Step 3: Select all the URL under the domain section. Green Locks means your SSL is active while RED LOCKS means your SSL is not active.

Step 4: Now, click on “Run AutoSSL”.

Step 5: Now, wait for few minutes as AutoSSL will take some time to activate. Your page will reload automatically.

Step 6: Now, Check your website URL using https://yourdomain.

Step 7: Now, You have to redirect your All URLs from http to https.

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