
How to change nameserver (DNS) Bigrock to Hapih Host

Nameserver Updation – In order for your domain name to resolve (point) to your web hosting account (and therefore your website), you will need to update the DNS for your domain. This typically involves updating the name servers (DNS) your domain is using.

Coming to the point This Blog will guide you how to change easily your Bigrock Nameservers (DNS) by pointing them to a new web hosting provider, in this case to Hapih Host.

Step 1: Login to your BigRock account

Step 2: And then you would see all the domain which you have purchased. Click on the Domain name which you want to point to any other hosting (In our case it’s Hapih Host).

Step 3: Now clicking on “Name Server” will bring up a pop-up & you need to replace the existing nameserver with your hosting name-server

Step 4: Remove the existing Bigrock name servers and update it with Hapih Host name servers

Step 5: Click on Update name servers & your nameserver will be updated instantly. Do remember, even after nameserver change, it may take up to 4 hours for your new site to work.

How to change nameserver (DNS) HostGator to Hapih Host

Name servers are essential addresses for a server which you can use to point a domain to the desired server. If you registered a domain with a new hosting package, the domain should already be pointed to the proper Hapih Host servers.

Now This Blog will guide you how to change easily your HostGator Nameservers (DNS) by pointing them to a new web hosting provider, in this case to Hapih Host.

Step 1: Go to and Click the “Domains” link in the main menu

Step 2: Click on the Manage Domains tab

Step 3: Login with your billing account email and password to access any domains

Step 4: Click on the desired domain name to get to the Domain Overview which will show more details about the selected domain and provide access to several other functions.

Step 5: Click the Name Servers tab from the left-hand menu.

Step 6: On the Name Servers page, edit the name servers which the domain will point to. And the click to “Save Name Servers”.

Step 7: And now the domain name’s nameservers have been updated.Please remember that nameserver changes can take 24 to 48 hours to propagate.

How to change nameservers (DNS) Godaddy to Hapih Host

This Blog will walk you through with a step-by-step guide of how to change your GoDaddy Nameservers (DNS) by pointing them away from GoDaddy and to a new web hosting provider, in this case to Hapih Host.

Step 1: Sign in your GoDaddy Account:

Step 2: Once logged into your dashboard select the domain you want to manage by clicking the Manage button:

Step 3: Under Additional Settings click Manage DNS:

Step 4: Scroll down to the Nameservers section and click Change

Step 5: Switch the dropdown from Default to Custom and under Nameservers fill in the Hapih Host Nameserver information: and The nameserver which you received in your registered email id with login details:


Hello Everyone, In the post, we will tell how you can buy hosting on Hapih Host. From our last post Step by Step BEGINNER’S GUIDE TO CHOOSING A PERFECT HOSTING PLAN PART – I You must have known what we must know before buying hosting. So Let’s Begin..

Step: 1 Go to Hapih Host

Step 2: Now you will on our Official Website.

Step 3: Now you must have selected which hosting service you want to have. In this post, we are buying a shared hosting

Step 4: now click on the “order now”. you will be asked for domain:

Enter the domain name for which you want to buy hosting. if you haven’t purchased the domain yet you can enter the domain name in “Register a new domain” and can purchase the new one. if you have a domain then you have to enter that domain in “I will use my existing Domain and update my nameserver”

Step 5: Now you will see the hosting plan detail and amount now you have to select billing period for the hosting. then click “continue”:

Step 6: after clicking checkout you will be redirected to the checkout page.

In this page you have to fill the details, then you have to select the payment gateway by which you will pay the amount. And don’t forget to tick “I have read and agree to the Terms of Services”.

Step 7: On clicking “complete order” you will be redirected to the payment gateway.

Step 8: After the payment confirmation. You will be activated instantly. And you will receive and Welcome mail with hosting login detail.

So in this way, you can purchase web from Hapih Host, and once you buy Hapih Host web hosting, it will give you Hapih Host cPanel login details on your registered mail id.


Perfect Hosting Plan – Biggest Question choosing Hosting – While the importance of selecting the right CMS and hiring a good designer is outlined in every other technology blog nowadays, hardly anyone talks about the importance of a good web host.

That’s why we have prepared this web hosting guide, that will help beginners and experts to choose a good web host. If you’re building a website for the first time, it’s hard to know what you really need. You’ve got all these different categories and plan levels to choose between, and if you’re not well versed in this stuff it can get a bit overwhelming.

For those navigating the web hosting question for the first time, our guide can help provide some clarification in the midst of confusion to help you toward the right choice.

Things To Do Consider when Choosing a Web Hosting Plans:

The Basics:

Everyone knows what shared hosting is, VPS, and reseller hosting packages. Just in case you don’t, simply do a Google search!

What matters is picking the ideal hosting package for you. If you have a personal blog or a small website, shared hosting will suffice. But you should consider a dedicated server or a VPS if you have a large website that generates a good deal of traffic.

Also, make sure you have ample space and bandwidth in your plan. The worst thing that can happen is to see your website growing, and then noticing that there isn’t enough room for it to grow anyway. Plus, a good web host will allow you to easily upgrade from one plan to another as, and when, the need arises.

Disk Space:

In a hosting, disk space is the amount of space available on the server for storing the content of your site. This content includes pages, images, videos, files, databases, among others. In some cases, it can also be used to store emails, but this is not a rule.

Therefore, when you host a website, all your content is stored in that space. As you update it, new content is being stored. This is done automatically and no action is required.


Bandwidth measures the amount of data that passes between a website and the rest of the Internet.

For example, if your website contains a 1MB picture, and 2,000 visitors view the picture, it uses 2,000MB (2GB) of bandwidth.


It is the amount of time that a server has stayed up and running. This is usually listed as a percentage, like “99.99 percent uptime.” Uptime is a great measure of how good a Webhosting provider is at keeping their systems up and running.

Easy-to-use Admin Panel:

Admin panel is the gateway or the dashboard that lets you manage your websites. An easy-to-use admin panel ensures that you do not require through technical know-how of operating a CMS. Cpanel is considered to be the most convenient admin panel.

Customer Support:

It refers to the support which is available to you in the case of a breakdown. This support may be available to you in the form of chats, phone calls and emails.

Now that you understand the terms you have to look for while choosing your hosting plan, let us explore the types of web hosting.

Types of Web Hosting Plans:

Before you buy web hosting, you’ll need to know what kind of hosting service is best suited for your website. If you’re only hosting your site for a short period of time or to an extremely limited audience, you may be fine using free web hosting. Free hosting is more limited than paid hosting, but it’s a great place to start if you’ve never hosted a website before.

If your site is for a blog or business that expects to see more traffic than a few visitors per day, there are three basic types of web hosting plans you need to know about:

Shared Hosting:

Shared hosting is Web hosting in which the service provider serves pages for multiple Web sites, each having its own Internet domain name, from a single Web server. Most Web hosting companies provide shared hosting. Although shared hosting is a less expensive way for businesses to create a Web presence, it is usually not sufficient for Web sites with high traffic.

These sites need a dedicated Web server, either provided by a Web hosting service or maintained in-house.

Who needs Shared Hosting?

Small businesses, new bloggers, and anyone who is just starting out should preferably opt for shared hosting considering that you do not need to spend a fortune on hosting when you don’t really need it.

Considering that the monthly visits on your website would be somewhere between 0-5000, you can easily manage with a shared hosting plans.

Virtual Private Server (VPS) Hosting

A VPS involves giving websites their own dedicated server space on a shared server. It gives a little more control and freedom than a shared hosting solution, but still avoids the cost of a dedicated server for businesses with a tight budget who need more than a basic package.

Who needs VPS Hosting?

If you are sure that shared hosting is definitely not what you need, and confused whether breaking the bank for dedicated hosting is the need of the hour, give VPS a shot. It is ideal for people looking to get full control of their server space in a fraction of the cost of a dedicated hosting.

If your website expects a monthly visit of around 15000- 20000, you are good with VPS. It also allows you to choose bigger plans according to your requirements.

Dedicated Server Hosting

Dedicated server hosting refers to a type of web hosting plan where you are allocated a whole server to yourself. Therefore, a “dedicated server” refers to the “dedicated” server that you rent (or purchase) in order to host your website (or websites).

Dedicated server hosting can give you more control over your website. It can also help to ensure that other customers’ websites don’t impact on your website. Using dedicated servers is much more expensive than shared hosting, but if your site receives lots of traffic or you have other requirements (such as extra security requirements), dedicated server hosting could be for you.

Who needs dedicated hosting?

Big business websites with higher traffic need dedicated hosting. E-commerce websites typically go with dedicated hosting considering the heavy amount of traffic that they have to deal with especially during sale times. If your website receives over 20,000 visits every month, you need dedicated hosting. With dedicated hosting comes the responsibility of managing the technical aspects of installations, updates, security, and configuration.

Still undecided?? So go through our plans. We have provided a chart support to help you out.

In conclusion the decision in choosing the server you may want to use will ultimately fall on how you are going to use it and the cost your are willing to spend. The best choice would be the one most suited to the type of operations you will conducting on you website. You could start out small by availing a shared hosting, but if you are serious in your business purchasing a VPS or even a Dedicated Server might be your best bet in the long run.

VPS Vs Dedicated Server

Dedicated Server Vs VPS – Today we going to discuss what’s the difference between Dedicated Server and VPS. And what would be the best if we have to choose among Dedicated Server and VPS. As choosing the right web host is a big decision. You’ll have a few options at your disposal when choosing a web host. Some of the most common are very basic shared hosting plans, the virtual private server (VPS) hosting, and dedicated hosting.


VPS hosting is a Virtual Private Server and is a virtualized server. VPS web hosting has grown in popularity over recent years. The service providers that offer VPS hosting have physical servers that are virtually allocated to a specific user. A VPS runs its own copy of an operating system (OS), and customers may have superuser-level access to that operating system instance, so they can install almost any software that runs on that OS.

For many purposes, they are functionally equivalent to a dedicated physical server, and being software-defined, are able to be much more easily created and configured. They are priced much lower than an equivalent physical server. However, as they share the underlying physical hardware with other VPS’s, performance may be lower, depending on the workload of any other executing virtual machines.


You may have heard the term “dedicated server hosting” and wondered what it meant or how it could be beneficial to you and your business. In a concise, Dedicated server hosting offers the capabilities and resources of an entire server to one business or website without having to share that server with other sites and businesses.


Dedicated servers are typically used to host high-traffic websites, web applications, and for other hosting scenarios where performance is paramount.


Dedicated server hosting can be classified into two types:-

  1. Managed: In the Managed Dedicated Server Hosting complete server management tasks are performed at service provider’s end. In addition to this, the server is monitored and required applications are installed to ensure swift business functioning. The service provider offers application support.
  2. Unmanaged: In the Unmanaged Dedicated Server Hosting, Both the Managed & Unmanaged Server delivers the Same functionality. But In Unmanaged dedicated servers hosting the Servers are hosted at the provider’s facility, but managed by clients’ internal IT team.

What is Dedicated Server Hosting?

Many time this question must have arisen in the mind “What is Dedicated Server Hosting”. You may have heard the term “dedicated server hosting” and wondered what it meant or how it could be beneficial to you and your business. In a concise, Dedicated server hosting offers the capabilities and resources of an entire server to one business or website without having to share that server with other sites and businesses.

What Exactly Is Dedicated Server Hosting?

Dedicated servers are typically used to host high-traffic websites, web applications, and for other hosting scenarios where performance is paramount.

Types of Dedicated Server Hosting

Dedicated server hosting can be classified into two types:-

  1. Managed: In the Managed Dedicated Server Hosting complete server management tasks are performed at service provider’s end. In addition to this, the server is monitored and required applications are installed to ensure swift business functioning. The service provider offers application support.
  2. Unmanaged: In the Unmanaged Dedicated Server Hosting, Both the Managed & Unmanaged Server delivers the Same functionality. But In Unmanaged dedicated servers hosting the Servers are hosted at the provider’s facility, but managed by clients’ internal IT team.

Dedicated Server Hardware

A dedicated server is essentially a computer like the desktop machines that you use at home or at work. Each server contains processors, memory, storage, network hardware, and buses to connect the components together.

But dedicated servers don’t look like ordinary computers and they don’t contain quite the same components. Unlike the consumer-grade components of the average PC or Mac, dedicated servers contain enterprise-grade hardware that is more reliable, less prone to failure, and much more powerful.

Dedicated Server RAM

Enterprise-grade servers typically use ECC (Error Correcting Code) RAM, which is both more reliable and more expensive than the RAM in the average laptop or PC. ECC RAM includes special hardware that prevents many of the most common causes of data corruption. Corruption occurs for all sorts of reasons, ranging from electrical interference to cosmic rays, and ECC RAM is capable of detecting and making corrections when errors occur.

Error correction makes dedicated servers more reliable, and where business critical applications are concerned, reliability matters. Dedicated servers run 24-hours-a-day for years at a time without a hiccup, and they can do that because they’re built with high-quality components.

Dedicated servers are also able to accommodate more memory than an average machine: it’s not unusual for a dedicated server to be equipped with up to 512GB of memory.


Dedicated server processors are, as you might expect, the most powerful processors on the market. Chip manufacturers create processors that specifically target servers, such as Intel’s Xeon range, which is engineered for optimal speed, reliability, and scalability.

In this context, scalability is directly related to the number of processor cores that can be installed on a server. The most powerful dedicated servers have upward of 40 processor cores, making them capable of crunching huge amounts of data.

High-Traffic Websites

High-traffic websites and eCommerce stores are hosted on one or more dedicated servers. Hosting a web site that receives thousands of concurrent requests is resource intensive, and many site owners opt to “scale up” to a more powerful server, instead of “scaling out” across many less powerful servers. Choosing a more powerful dedicated server is less complex than building out a cluster of smaller machines.

Who Exactly Need Dedicated Server Hosting?

Dedicated servers are an expensive proposition when compared with shared server hosting and therefore, suitable only for limited individuals or organizations. All in all, dedicated server hosting is ideal for:

  1. High traffic websites that require dedicated bandwidth to function properly.
  2. Companies with a dynamic website that requires changes every other day.
  3. Companies that aim to scale their online presence.
  4. Organizations that have a large capital base.

Advantages of Dedicated Server Hosting:

  1. Increased reliability and performance.
  2. Enhanced security.
  3. No need to purchase additional equipment.
  4. Pay and Forget Solution.
  5. Maximum Uptime Guaranteed.

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